•  February 14, 2023
     6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  •  February 21, 2023
     6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  •  February 28, 2023
     6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  •  March 7, 2023
     6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Are you ready for a career change but don’t know how to begin? Perhaps you have an idea for a new career but are struggling to find the right resources to learn more. Maybe you’re feeling burned out and want to do something different with your career but suffer from value conflict and struggle to motivate yourself to take the first step.

In this four-session course, you will set the foundation and take action towards career change. Discover your career self, identify and explore career options, and begin a transition plan to help you get the career that’s the best fit for you.

Affordable: $75.00 per session.

Accessible: Virtual through Zoom.

Active and Applied: Small class size allowing for a balance of interaction, reflective thinking and applied learning.