It’s a new season for Find Your Fit (FYF), which means some positive changes to better serve our clients. One of the most significant changes is that we are growing! We have added another coach to our team in order to expand our impact and reach more people. Welcome Stevie Borne!
Stevie comes to FYF with a decade of coaching experience. She is passionate about guiding her clients on their journey of personal transformation. Stevie uses her experience with the CliftonStrengths (formerly Clifton StrengthsFinder) and DISC assessments to enable her clients to see themselves, and others, in new ways, resulting in lasting change.
In addition to working with private coaching clients, Stevie also provides workshops for coaches and leaders on topics such as: Improving Your Listening Mojo; Coaching vs. Training: Improving Your Coaching To Bring Lasting Change; Leading Through Change; and Agile Leadership: A New Mindset. To further develop a healthy company culture, and improve team performance, Stevie also has team-focused workshops. These workshops provide a comfortable environment for teams to get to know one another better, improve collaboration and explore new communication strategies. Some of her team-focused workshops include: Team Strengths Discovery; Team DISC Exploration and Strengths Strategies for Optimal Performance.
Stevie holds numerous coaching, training and Agile certifications. She is a Certified DISC Coach, Certified People Acuity Coach, Strengths Strategies Certified Coach, Certified Dale Carnegie Trainer, Certified ScrumMaster, Certified Scrum Product Owner and Certified Scrum Professional. Click here to schedule a free 30-minute consultation with Stevie to explore together how she may be able to help you and/or your team.
Nearly 15 years ago Cindy Edwards started FYF with a focus on career coaching. She has reached thousands of clients, equipping and guiding them to find their best fit in their career. Cindy is passionate about helping people discover, explore and transform their lives.
As Cindy’s business has expanded, so has her desire to reach people in new ways. She has developed a specialization in ADHD Coaching, managing invisible disabilities in your life and in the workplace, and Neuro-transformation coaching. She is skilled in leading people through change, using her deep understanding of how our brains navigate change. She is an avid reader, keeping current on the latest in brain research and coaching skills.
Cindy reaches her clients through individual coaching and workshops. Her workshops include such topics as: AIM @ Success: A Brain-Friendly Framework to Help you Set, Strive, Maintain and Achieve Goals; Marketing: Building and Communicating Your Brand; Exploration: Career Identification and Discovery; and Interviewing: INTERVIEW POWER! Click here to schedule a free 30-minute consultation with Cindy to explore together how she may be able to help you and/or your team.

Cindy has numerous certifications in various fields and tools. Her certifications include: NLI Brain–Based Results Certified Coach, ADDCA Associate Certified Coach (AAC), International Coach Federation Associate Certified Coach (ACTP), NCDA FCD Instructor Certified (GCDF and CSSP Credentials), MBTI and MBTI Step II Certified Coach, EQi 2.0 Certified Coach, and 360º Reach Personal Branding Coach.
Our team is not complete without Jodi Johnson-Meyers. As a writer, administer and project coordinator, Jodi helps Cindy and Stevie stay organized with business operations and customer communications. Jodi manages calendaring, invoicing, client communications and marketing.
Click here for more information on how Find Your Fit can help you or your team.