Why not you? Why not now? Yes, you can!

Goals are outcomes waiting to be achieved. Goals; we all have them. Like an itch that needs to be scratched or a restlessness that you can’t quite put your finger on. Goals are inside of us, waiting to come out and shine bigger and brighter than we ever thought possible. Singular, multi-step, granular, grand, lateral,…

Action today for tomorrow – career and education exploration

By keeping our eyes open we can help others. How? By providing your talents, time, hope and love, we can strengthen our community. Now’s the time to place that call, send that text or connect online through virtual social platforms. Let’s keep the dialog open and lift each other up through laughter and song. Let’s share our ideas for the future and continue to take steps towards achieving personal and professional goals. We can be the example that others need. We can find that strength within us. Faith not Fear!

Invisible Disabilities

Kindness First. It’s a phrase that is easy to say, but tougher to put into daily practice. Especially so when situations are not always clear. When you hear the term “disability”, what do you picture? Does your mind immediately conjure up images of wheelchairs, walkers, canes or crutches? Now how about when you hear the…

Personal Branding and Strengths

Personal branding is about defining who you are, what you do best and where you want to go in your career.  Having a clear personal brand statement is a critical success factor as you navigate your job search, career change or career development.  At Find Your Fit, we equip our clients with tools and coach…